ceejbot's resume
650–853–0780 (landline)
650–575–3428 (cell; preferred)
Seeking technically involving work on a project that satisfies its users and has a future.
Track record of shipping and maintaining many projects over the long term. Self-motivated and self-directed but will happily integrate with larger teams. Can write well and leave a trail of readable documentation behind.
Languages, from most recent to least recent: Javascript in node.js, Javascript in the browser, Ruby, Python, Java, C, Objective-C, C++, Perl, Tcl.
Strong technical writing skills.
You can find code samples for recent Node.js & Javascript work on Github.
April 2013 - present
Senior Software Engineer
Javascript on the server and in the browser for a stealth-mode startup.
May 2012 - March 2013
Senior Software Engineer
Server infrastructure engineer working on one of the largest node.js deployments on a variety of tasks. Wrote a simple web application framework in support of a customer-facing administrative portal. Currently working on a clustering project to enable the Voxer service to run in many independent clusters. Skills exercised daily: Node.js, node.js at scale, riak, redis, nosql, debugging distributed processes, understanding large and tangled existing codebases. Some work open-sourced: recurring & keep-alive-agent.
April 2009 - May 2012
Chief Layabout
Hobby projects include a large-scale journaling community system to replace LiveJournal with a modern close-to-single-page web application. Some components of the latter project are published as open-source on my Github account. Ruby with Sinatra, node.js, redis, couchdb, browser-side work through backbone.js and my own backbone.js replacement (written when I became frustrated with typical backbone boilerplate).
May 2000 - April 2009
Senior Software Engineer
Worked on both the server & client sides of the Hiptop handheld platform, a cellphone & GPRS data device & one of the earliest smartphones. Departed in 2009 when Microsoft canceled work on Hiptop.
2002–2009: Device applications in Java. Did user interface design and implementation. Developed under CPU & memory constraints. Rewrote the address book application to increase performance while reducing memory footprint. Architected & implemented an MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service). Implemented an MP3 and video player app with features like on-the-fly playlist management, m3u playlist import, and smooth integration with the cellphone.
2001: As sole engineer, designed & implemented the Hiplog mobile blogging system in 2 months, in Python with Medusa. The site ran without incident or intervention for 3 years before being superseded by a PHP site written by external contractors. Featured a flexible configuration that could split off services onto separate hosts to handle increasing load.
2000–2001: Implemented the first version of Danger’s web applications in Tcl under AOLServer. As technical lead of a small team, reimplemented the apps as a PHP front-end communicating via XML-RPC to a Perl database proxy. Wrote the email, calendar, and address book applications, as well as a framework for the other applications and an early-era simple ORM. Also implemented pieces of the proxy layer that mediates communications among the database, the web applications, and the Danger device. This was an early-era web application with minimal Javascript interaction; the hot technology of the time was CSS layout.
Sept 1997 - May 2000
Software engineer. Service-side application development in C. Designed & implemented management applications for the WebTV client. Email, instant messaging, WebTV device settings. Also wrote on-line help.
Sept 1993 - June 1997
Software engineer, Magic Cap development team, developing in an Objective-C-like object-oriented language. Technical writer on the Magic Cap Class & Method Reference, intended for application developers. The technical writing job required me to read operating system & framework source, understand it, and document the aspects of it of interest to third-party developers.
Feb 1990 - May 1993
Technical writer, mostly writing about developer tools and compilers.
BA Mathematics, Salem State College, MA.
Mathematics masters program, UC Berkeley.
Weightlifting. Powerlifting total is over 600 pounds.
Novel-writing. Attended the Clarion West Science Fiction writing workshop in summer 1997.
20 February 2013